Mysore India Yoga Training at Sharath Yoga Centre, 2022

According to Sanatana Dharma, which contains the science of yoga, time is perceived to be cycling through 4 different epochs, or yugas. We are in the last epoch; Kali yuga, the material age. In The Mahabharata, the great epic from India, considered to originate around 3000 B.C, The sage Vyasa says: “In the Kali Yuga, the duties of the respective …

Flexibility and oil baths

I have a few tips to share for staying flexible and continuing to shine in your asana practice: « Don’t crank the AC when you are inside. « Allow your body to acclimate to the weather. « Stay super hydrated with plenty of filtered water and electrolytes. « Eat more fresh organically grown fruits and vegetables. Cook foods less. Below …

asanas, vinyasas, and matsyendrasana

Ashtanga yoga is a system of asanas and vinyasas. Asanas are yoga postures strung together in a specific order with clearly defined movements. These movements occur simultaneously with either an inhale or exhale between postures, and these movements with breath are called vinyasas. Other forms of vinyasa yoga all stem from Ashtanga. There are different sequences which we group together …


I learned about Kambo through Brandy and Charese, two very experienced yoga practitioners who have been a part of our Ashtanga program at The Front for the past couple years. Both of these women are truly inspiring in many ways including that they have incredible resilience and athletic ability. They both seem to have supernatural yoga talents. Soon after they …

eating for yoga

Namaste, yogis! Let’s talk about eating. As much as yoga is seen as a means of purifying and strengthening our bodies through physical exercise and postures, there are other tools, practices, and guidelines that can help us bring yoga into the other parts of our life that occur off the yoga mat. Yoga is ultimately a state of pure consciousness, …

The Moon and ashtanga

Did you know yoga and the moon are deeply connected? Being about 70% water, we are affected by the moon phases according to the laws of gravity. In Ashtanga, we take rest from our daily Mysore practice on full & new moon days. At The Front, we observe these moon holidays for our Mysore program and Primary Series classes. FULL …

Prival USA

Thanks Tony Pavlantos of Prival USA for the awesome photos up Little Cottonwood Canyon featuring his amazingly light and flexible travel mat. These mats are individually painstakingly screen printed with a topo map of one of the most beautiful canyons in the world. I am so excited to have one of these and to have been part of the project …