I will be teaching at Yoga Den in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from Jan 2- Feb 11 and at Vinyasa people in Bonn Germany from Feb 17-27.
There will be an Intro to Intermediate Series special session for all at each location:
- Saturday Feb 8, 2 pm at Yoga Den, Amsterdam
- Sunday Feb 23 at Vinyasa People, Bonn, Germany
My Utah classes // The Front Climbing Club // Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Morning Mysore 7-10 am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday – Brian will sub Jan 1- March 1 (my friend Charese teaches on Thu)
Led Primary Series 8:45 am- 10:15 am Led Primary Series – Ashlee will sub Jan 1- March 1 (please arrive 5 minutes early to set up, as we begin on time:)

Kapotasana assist with my buddy Amit
Class info:
- Pre-register here for classes at The Front Climbing Club.
- No classes on full moon or new moon days. See below for those dates.
- There are air purifiers and hand sanitizer in our yoga shalas.
- Students must register for classes through RGPro Connect app, the Front desk, or The Front’s website to attend (you can download the app on your phone wherever you get your apps, or sign up using the calendar here).
- We have loaner mats and props, we just require that you clean them after use. We offer towels and (all natural) mat spray to clean with.
- Do not come to class if you have a cough, cold, any contagious disease, or a fever over 100.4. Please feel free to drop in if you are visiting from out of town, and everyone’s first class is free!

Mysore class “catching”
Mysore Ashtanga
Mysore Ashtanga is a unique, traditional way of practicing Yoga from the iconic city of Mysore, India, in the tradition of Master Yogi Sri T. Krishnamacharya. Each student learns & practices at their own personal pace under the guidance of the teacher who helps them every step of the way to learn and memorize specific sequences of postures and movements, according to what the student is ready for. The class is for all people- from yoga newbies to experienced practitioners. This intelligently sequenced yoga system is intended to be practiced 6 days a week and increases strength, flexibility, balance, stamina and focus.
Notice for beginners: We now offer Intro to Mysore classes at The Front’s SLC and SoMa locations. Kindly take this class until you have memorized surya namaskaras and fundamental asanas before your first Mysore class so you have some foundation to build on. Intro to Mysore qualifies for moon day holidays, no classes will be held on full or new moon days.
Intro to Mysore schedule:
SLC location: Sundays at 11:30 am with Samantha
SoMa (south main) location: MWF 6-6:45 am with Ashlee and Samantha and Saturdays 10-11 am with Ashlee
Primary Series of Ashtanga
The full Primary series of the Ashtanga system taught in the tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India. This intelligently sequenced practice involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of sun salutations and postures. We practice a full range of asanas after warming up with sun salutations, concluding with backbends, inversions, a short sitting and breathing practice and a 10-minute rest to ground and assimilate. The instructor calls out the asana names & vinyasa counts in Sanskrit and counts each breath to encourage a seamless, meditative, guided flow. Remember to check the moon day calendar below for moon day holidays! *This class is not suited for complete beginners. We recommend that one participate in Mysore class for at least 1-2 months before attending full primary series.
Sanskrit Chanting
Due to popular demand from our students- past and present, who have fallen in love with this unique, traditional, meditative yoga practice, we invite you to join us for some high vibrational call-and-response style chanting in Sanskrit, the language of Yoga. You will receive a printed chant sheet to read from as well. Chanting contributes to inner peace, group harmony, and bodily health. Come give it a try and see if you fall in love with this ancient yogic practice!

Climb, Wine and Dine event
Moon calendar
Moon days are rest days for Mysore and Primary Series classes. I do not hold classes on moon days.
Full Nov 27 | New Dec 12
Full Dec 26 |

Vishnu, Garuda and Ādi Śeṣa
In Sanatana Dharma, Shesha (Sanskrit: Śeṣa), also known as Sheshanaga (Śeṣanāga) or Adishesha (Ādi Śeṣa), is the nagaraja or king of all nāgas and one of the primal beings of creation. In the Puranas, Shesha is said to hold all the planets of the universe on his hoods and to constantly sing the glories of the God Vishnu from all his mouths. He is sometimes referred to as Ananta Shesha, which translates as endless-Shesha or Adishesha “first Shesha”. It is said that when Adishesa uncoils, time moves forward and creation takes place; when he coils back, the universe ceases to exist. He is also described in Buddhism as Vasuki. Vishnu is often depicted as resting on Shesha. Shesha is considered a servant and a manifestation of Vishnu. He is said to have descended to Earth in two human forms or avatars: Lakshmana, brother of Rama; Balarama, brother of Krishna. “Shesha” in Sanskrit texts, especially those relating to mathematical calculation, implies the “remainder” — that which remains when all else ceases to exist.